Centro Ibérico de Investigación en Almacenamiento Energético

Research centers, public agencies and non-profit organizations
Avda. de la Investigación, s/n Ed. PCTEX 06006 BADAJOZ

Descripción de la compañía

The Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage Research Centre (CIIAE) is a centre of excellence in research, development and application of energy storage and hydrogen technologies to facilitate the integration of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Research covers lab and modelling work at various scales and Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), as well as innovative pilot plants. CIIAE provides a stimulating research environment to work on some of today’s most pressing energy, environmental and societal challenges. CIIAE benefits from large network including research centres and companies in the Iberian peninsula and abroad.

Principales líneas de negocio de la entidad

Basic research, applied research, pilot plants, public-private laboratories, ad-hoc consortia, technology incubator for start-ups, research on demand, collaboration in competitive projects, consultancy, contracting of services provided by pilot plants and scientific facilities, technology transfer, specific training and education programmes.